Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bookbinders tools.

Though you can substitute common household items for many bookbinding tools, there's nothing like the real thing once you start to get a little more serious. If you are looking to equip a workshop the array of tools and toys available can be almost dizzying! The trick is to start with the basics and work your way up the scale as your budget and inclination allows. Even so, a basic set of tools and supplies can be had for only a couple of hundred dollars.

Here are two shopping lists for reference;

  • Dennis at Cai Lun provides the basic shopping list he used after losing his tools and supplies in an apartment fire. (This is the list I used when setting up the Corner Bindery.)

  • Erin Zamrzla at Erinzam also provides a list of basic tools
    for the beginning bookbinder along with an explanation of the use of each.

Know of any more published lists on the web that complement those above? Drop me a comment and I'll list them.

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